Below is a range of my most common 'for hire' services. Pricing information and requests can be sent to me here via the website : Contact Form
Although glamour photography is the niche I am most well known for, my photography work spans a broad range of genre's. I tend to shoot more for sanity's sake and creative outlet than profit which I find allows me to be more relaxed and creative with my work.
Portrait Sessions
I specialise in people photography and have an abundance of experience in the fields of glamour and fashion, in particular for portfolio work and commercial/advertising stock. I also shoot high profile promotion for teams, media personalities and commercial organisations. Beach shoots available dependant on weather.
Promotional Band Shots
A particular passion of mine I have worked with many Australian bands in many genres of music both locally and interstate. My promotional shots have been featured widely in both online and print publications nationally.
Events & Occasions
Capture those memorable moments from events and parties. I cover all kinds of events but specialise in corporate, sports and TV press junkets.
Food and Product
Professional, Affordable food or product photography on-location at your premises, I can photograph food for all types of projects - cookbooks, product packaging, websites, catalogs, menus.